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- The Eton System is one of the most versatile conveyor systems available. Our system, together with the Eton Systems software can automate almost any kind of industry. But our biggest asset is our knowledge. We have helped companies increase productivity, efficiency, and much more for more than 50 years. And we've learnt a lot. The Eton System is a module-based conveyor system capable of being adapted to your factory and needs. The system is designed to optimize value-adding time throughout your entire production line.
- Many years ago, Toyota introduced Lean production to the world. The Japanese production philosophy revolutionized the way production managers all over the world view their value-adding processes.
- Since then, a lot of progress has been made. More philosophies have been added to the production arsenal. Among them, the Unit Production Systems, UPS, and Eton Systems are first in line. The Eton System philosophy allows you to create your own optimal UPS solution. You will give your production line new abilities which will lead you to success.
- Traceability in operations
- Buffer zones
- Sequencing
- Ergonomics
- Minimize waste
Garment manufacturingEfficiency is everything. The Eton System has helped garment producers worldwide to minimize defects, reduce cost of quality and save factory space for more than 60 years.
How can we help you?
Garment production with Eton SystemsThe Eton System is extremely versatile and can help almost any type of production. However, we have our roots in the garment industry. We are confident that we have much knowledge to pass on. Are you producing from bundles today? Then this is the document you need. Are you curious about Eton Systems? You came to the right place.The Eton Systems software for garments is designed for efficient, customer-driven, made-to-measure productions. Customers have said that their Eton System is a shortcut to Lean production.

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Introducing the Opta SystemWhen we started designing the Opta System, the main goal was to develop an offer that honors our roots. Eton Systems was sprung from a high-quality shirt factory in Gånghester, Sweden. The Opta System is here to help businesses in the fashion industry to become more efficient and profitable.
Producing garments to a fast-moving consumer market requires short throughput times and low cost of quality to maintain profitability. If you’re familiar with Eton Systems’ production philosophy, you probably know that we help Garment producers shift from a traditional and inefficient bundle system to a Unit Production System. With the Opta system, all garment productions are able to benefit from the UPS.
The most important factor to keep high efficiency in garment production is to keep the needle moving. If the needle stops, we are not creating value. With Opta, all components are sequenced automatically to each work station presented directly to the operator.
With the Opta system, you will keep the key features that garment manufacturers need. What we’ve added are more station types and optimized software. With three kinds of stations, supporting dual transporting rails, connecting bridges between lines and buffer stations Opta gives even greater flexibility for future extension. While maintaining the high quality that the Eton System customer deserves.
The software contains all the key features a Garment manufacturer could need. Our goal is that you will be able to have complete control throughout your value-adding chain. Therefore, transparency in operations is key. Opta can help you make sure that your operations run smoothly.All productions have similarities but something that is always unique is the workspace. The Opta system is designed after your specific layout and needs. The flexibility in modular construction gives us a cost-effective way to provide a tailored solution for your business. Caught your interest?Download our Opta Systems folder or contact us for information about expected savings from using an Opta system in your production.
The most important factor to keep high efficiency in garment production is to keep the needle moving. If the needle stops, we are not creating value. With Opta, all components are sequenced automatically to each work station presented directly to the operator.
With the Opta system, you will keep the key features that garment manufacturers need. What we’ve added are more station types and optimized software. With three kinds of stations, supporting dual transporting rails, connecting bridges between lines and buffer stations Opta gives even greater flexibility for future extension. While maintaining the high quality that the Eton System customer deserves.
The software contains all the key features a Garment manufacturer could need. Our goal is that you will be able to have complete control throughout your value-adding chain. Therefore, transparency in operations is key. Opta can help you make sure that your operations run smoothly.All productions have similarities but something that is always unique is the workspace. The Opta system is designed after your specific layout and needs. The flexibility in modular construction gives us a cost-effective way to provide a tailored solution for your business. Caught your interest?Download our Opta Systems folder or contact us for information about expected savings from using an Opta system in your production.

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Home Textile IndustryThe home textile industry has generally come a long way in terms of automation, for example in quilt production. Fiber filling machines are often automated and integrated with other machinery. Eton Systems has the flexibility you need to fully integrate a system for material handling with both existing machines and existing software.Automation instead of manual transportation of quilts, sheets, and other home textile products can do wonders for a production process. The key is to remove the manual handling in moving materials from one workstation to another. With these tasks gone we enable operators to spend more time adding value to the final product.Last but not least. Automated material handling instead of repetitive manual lifting will save your staff and reduce the number of work injuries. Eton Systems conveyor systems safely lift single pieces up to 12 kg.The Eton System can help you with internal logistics between machinery throughout your entire production. From cutting to packaging. Automated transportation of products will take your production lines from semi-automatic to automatic, sewing stations included. With Eton Systems you can use the space above your machines for warehousing products.

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Furniture ManufacturingFurniture manufacturing combines many types of operations. A perfect match for Eton Systems. A metal, wood or plastic skeleton is often combined with textiles for seats and design.The Eton System handles all transportation of parts and textiles in furniture production and allows you to focus on adding value to your final product. Some of our best testimonials are from the furniture industry. The Eton effect is indisputable when efficient transport, and storage, of different kinds of materials is a key in your production.

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Industrial manufacturingJust in time, Lean production, Kaizen, Six Sigma. There are a couple of production philosophies that together make the world standard for industrial production. There are differences between the philosophies but they all have one thing in common – minimizing waste with efficiency and order.The Eton System is designed to do just that – minimize waste by efficient transportation within the production. The hanger system transports parts up to 12 kg and can be used for single parts or boxes with small production units.Our system is flexible and fully adaptable to existing machines. Our technicians create a system perfect for your production line. We have several cases where an Eton system interfaces with robots. Eton Systems supports your automation and takes it to a higher level.

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ETON IngeniousThe latest generation of software from Eton Systems AB.
ETONingeniousTM is the latest generation of software from Eton Systems AB. A web based real-time data collection and information system that continuously accumulates, processes, and clearly presents powerful production information to supervisors, quality control personnel and management.
Get ready for Factory 4.0
ETON SYSTEMS has perfected the UPS concept with the ETONingenious software.A web based real-time data collection and information system that continuously accumulates, processes, and clearly presents powerful production information to supervisors, quality control personnel and management.
The ETONselect is a new generation of modul based software from Eton Systems.
A realtime data collection and information system that continuously accumulates, processes and clearly presents powerful production information to supervisors, quality control personnel and management.
The ETONselect standard module is extremely powerful, user friendly and a perfect solution for most users. However, used in combination with available optional additional modules, ETONselect can be tailored for your specific needs and unique production requirements. ETONselect was carefully designed to help management control and plan production, maximize your output and minimize waste.